Fast Forward website provides the best e-magazines for JEE Main, NEET, CUET, BITSAT, CBSE etc. Download our app or register on the website to access the free study material and online tests. Get the best e-magazines for the top level learning experience.
Fast Forward is a work of Adhipati Creations and it has been developed to facilitate candidates for NEET, JEE, CUET, BITAST and CBSE exam preparation. Our experts have teaching experience since 1992 and had authored 13 most read books of Chemistry for IIT-JEE and NEET, Under the Flagship of Arihant Prakashan including best sellers like Arihant JEE Mains, Master Resource and Simplified Chemistry.
The Fast Forward e-Magazines have been designed to provide a solution to all the problems of medical, engineering, management, law and CA aspirants. Our magazines will help them to clear the entrance with flying colors. All the topics are superbly explained in a very simple way so that even if you are not an expert in any particular subject, you will be able to understand it very easily.
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Moreover, a registered user also get access to free mock tests to judge its preparation level in each subject and accordingly plan for revision of chapters where they performed badly in the mock test. These e-magazines are easy to store, carry and simple to read. So, don’t miss this opportunity and start preparing from today itself!
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