How to prepare for JEE Main Physics Section 2024

How to prepare for JEE Main Physics Section 2024

Unlock the secrets to domination in JEE Physics 2024 with expert strategies and unleash your full potential!


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to successfully prepare for the JEE Physics Paper 2024. Aspiring engineers like you know that the JEE exam plays a crucial role in determining your future career in the field. Physics, being a significant component of the exam, requires a strategic approach and dedicated preparation. In this blog, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide to help you ace the Physics section, ensuring a strong foundation for achieving success in JEE Physics. Let us dive in!

"Unlock your true potential and conquer the insurmountable forces of JEE Physics with precision and strategic mastery. Harness the power of knowledge and ace your way to success!”

Understand the JEE Exam Format and Paper Pattern

The JEE Main 2024 examination will be divided into two sessions, one in January and another in April. Students have the option to participate in either one or both of these sessions. The exam will be administered as an online Computer Based Test (CBT) and will take place in multiple cities throughout India and also abroad.

Paper 1: B.E./B.Tech.

  • Sections: Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics
  • Question Type: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Numerical Value Type (NVQs)
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Total Marks: 300

Paper 2A: B.Arch.

  • Sections: Mathematics, Aptitude Test, and Drawing Test
  • Question Type: Objective type MCQs for Mathematics and Aptitude Test, and drawing-based questions for Drawing Test
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Total Marks: 400 (Mathematics: 200 marks, Aptitude Test: 200 marks, Drawing Test: 100 marks)

Paper 2B: B.Planning.

  • Sections: Mathematics, Aptitude Test, and Planning Test
  • Question Type: Objective type MCQs for Mathematics and Aptitude Test, and planning-based questions for Planning Test
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Total Marks: 400 (Mathematics: 200 marks, Aptitude Test: 200 marks, Planning Test: 100 marks)

Marking Scheme:

  • MCQs: +4 for correct answers, -1 for incorrect answers, and 0 for unanswered questions
  • NVQs: +1 for correct answers and 0 for incorrect answers
  • Drawing Test: Marks are awarded based on the quality of the drawings

Important Notes:

  • Candidates can attempt only 5 out of 10 NVQs in each section of Paper 1.
  • There is no negative marking for NVQs.
  • The use of calculators is not permitted in any of the papers.


Also Read - JEE Main and Advanced 2024 - Exam, Schedules and Eligibility Criteria

Understand the JEE Main Physics Section

The JEE Main Physics section assesses candidates understanding of the fundamental concepts and principles of physics. It covers a wide range of topics from mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, optics, and modern physics. The syllabus is divided into 21 units, each of which is assigned a weightage. The total weightage of the Physics syllabus is 33.33%.

Important Topics in JEE Main Physics

Some of the most important topics in JEE Main Physics include:

  • Mechanics: Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy, and Power, Rotational Motion, Oscillations, Gravitation
  • Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic Systems, Laws of Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Entropy, Kinetic Theory of Gases
  • Electromagnetism: Electrostatics, Current Electricity, Capacitance, Magnetism, Electromagnetic Waves
  • Optics: Reflection and Refraction of Light, Lenses and Mirrors, Optical Instruments, Electromagnetic Waves, Wave Optics
  • Modern Physics: Atomic Physics, Nuclear Physics, Relativity, Quantum Mechanics

JEE Main Physics Syllabus

The JEE Main Physics syllabus is divided into two sections: Section A and Section B. Section A consists of the theory part having 80% weightage, while section B includes the practical component having 20% weightage.

Section A: Theory

  • Mechanics (50% weightage)
    • Kinematics: Motion in a straight line, motion in a plane, relative motion
    • Laws of Motion: Newton's laws of motion, motion of charged particles, collision
    • Work, Energy, and Power: Work done by a constant force, work done by a variable force, energy, power
    • Rotational Motion: Moment of inertia, angular momentum, torque, rotational dynamics
    • Oscillations: Simple harmonic motion, damped oscillations, forced oscillations, resonance
    • Gravitation: Universal law of gravitation, gravitational potential energy, satellite motion
  • Thermodynamics (20% weightage)
    • Thermodynamic Systems: Thermodynamic systems and surroundings, state variables, processes
    • Laws of Thermodynamics: Zeroth law of thermodynamics, first law of thermodynamics, second law of thermodynamics
    • Heat Transfer: Conduction, convection, radiation
    • Entropy: Concept of entropy, Clausius inequality, entropy change for various processes
    • Kinetic Theory of Gases: Gas laws, kinetic theory of gases, ideal gas equation, different gas laws and their applications
  • Electromagnetism (10% weightage)
    • Electrostatics: Coulomb's law, electric field, electric potential, capacitors, conductors and insulators
    • Current Electricity: Electric current, Ohm's law, electric power, circuits, electromagnetism
    • Magnetism: Magnetic field, magnetic force, magnetic materials, electromagnetic induction, alternating current (AC)
    • Electromagnetic Waves: Characteristics of electromagnetic waves, propagation of electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic spectrum
  • Optics (5% weightage)
    • Reflection and Refraction of Light: Reflection and refraction of light at plane and curved surfaces
    • Lenses and Mirrors: Lenses and their types, mirror formula, refraction through a prism
    • Optical Instruments: Microscope, telescope, human eye
    • Electromagnetic Waves: Reflection and refraction of electromagnetic waves, optical instruments
    • Wave Optics: Huygens' principle, interference, diffraction, polarization

Section B: Practical

  • Laboratory Experiments (20% weightage)
    • Simple pendulum, projectile motion, ballistic pendulum, Atwood machine, meter bridge, potentiometer
    • Calorimetry, electrolysis, heating effect of electric current, magnetic effects of electric current
    • Optics experiments: refraction by spherical lenses, refraction by prisms, dispersion of light by prisms, interference of light, diffraction of light


Create a Study Plan

A well-structured study plan is essential for comprehensive preparation. Start by setting realistic goals and breaking down the vast Physics syllabus into smaller topics. This will help you efficiently cover all the necessary concepts within a specified timeline. Allocate dedicated time for regular revision and practice to solidify your understanding.

Master the Basics

Begin your preparation by focusing on the fundamental concepts and principles of Physics. A strong foundation in basics will facilitate easier comprehension of advanced topics. Review essential concepts such as Newton's laws, projectile motion, and basic kinematics. Alongside, concentrate on topics that carry higher weightage in the exam. By mastering the basics, you will have a solid platform to build upon.

Also Read - Top 10 Strategies to Minimize Silly Mistakes in JEE Main

Utilize Effective Study Resources

To enhance your understanding and grasp complex topics, it's crucial to make use of high-quality study resources. Consult recommended JEE Physics textbooks that are specifically designed to cover the exam syllabus comprehensively. Additionally, leverage online resources, tutorials, and video lectures that offer interactive and engaging explanations. Such resources can provide a fresh perspective and diverse learning experiences.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Practice is the key to success in any exam, and JEE Physics is no exception. Solve a wide variety of problem sets that cover all the topics in the exam syllabus. This will not only help you gain confidence in tackling different question formats but also improve your problem-solving skills and speed. Taking timed mock tests under exam-like conditions will enable you to assess your progress and work on refining your strategies.

Seek Guidance and Clarification

If you face any doubts or difficulties during your preparation, it's crucial to seek guidance and clarification. Approach your subject teachers or mentors for any academic support you may require. Joining JEE coaching classes or study groups can also provide additional guidance and exposure to different problem-solving approaches. Moreover, online forums and platforms dedicated to JEE preparation allow you to ask questions and get doubts clarified by experienced individuals.

Build a Healthy Study Routine

Achieving your goals requires a healthy study routine. Ensure you maintain a balanced schedule with adequate breaks and rest. Incorporate regular physical exercise and healthy habits into your routine to keep your mind and body refreshed. Managing stress and anxiety through relaxation techniques like meditation or deep breathing can contribute to a positive and focused mindset.

Stay Updated and Stay Motivated

Stay updated with the latest news and updates related to JEE Physics. Keep an eye on any changes in the exam pattern, syllabus, or important announcements. Surround yourself with a supportive and motivated study group. Engage in discussions, share knowledge, and keep each other motivated throughout the preparation journey. Remember to reward yourself for achieving milestones and staying dedicated. Celebrating small victories can provide a much-needed boost to your motivation.

Also Read - Regular Education Vs Distance Education


In conclusion, with the right approach and dedicated efforts, you can certainly ace the JEE Physics Paper 2024. By strategically understanding the exam format, creating a well-structured study plan, mastering the basics, utilizing effective study resources, practicing rigorously, seeking guidance when needed, maintaining a healthy study routine, and staying motivated, you will be well-prepared to tackle the Physics section with confidence. Remember, consistent effort and perseverance are key to success. Best of luck on your JEE Physics journey!


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