JEE Main and Advanced 2024 - Exam, Schedules and Eligibility Criteria

JEE Main and Advanced 2024 - Exam, Schedules and Eligibility Criteria

The JEE Examination

The Joint Entrance Examination (Advanced) 2024 [JEE (Advanced) 2024] will be conducted by the seven Zonal Coordinating IITs under the guidance of the Joint Admission Board 2024 (JAB 2024). The performance of a candidate in JEE (Advanced) 2024 will form the basis for admission to the Bachelors, Integrated Masters, and Dual Degree programs (entry at the 10+2 level), mentioned in Clause 2, in all the IITs in the academic year 2024-25. The decisions of JAB 2024 will be final in all matters related to JEE (Advanced) 2024 and admission to IITs in the academic year 2024-25.

Schedule of JEE (Advanced) 2024

The examination consists of two papers (Paper 1 and Paper 2) of three hours duration each. Appearing in both the papers is compulsory. The examination schedule is as follows.

Date of Examination May 26, 2024 (Sunday)
Paper 1 09:00 IST to 12:00 IST
Paper 2 14:30 IST to 17:30 IST

It may be noted that the examination date will remain unchanged even if it is declared a public holiday.

PwD candidates having disabilities with at least 40% impairment as applicable, are eligible for one hour compensatory time for each paper (i.e. for these candidates the end time will be 13:00 IST for Paper 1 and 18:30 IST for Paper 2). They must, however, fill in the requisite form [see Annexure-II: CERTIFICATE FORMATS] during registration for availing the compensatory time and/or availing the services of a scribe (amanuensis). Please see also Clauses 14 and 15 for additional information.

Persons with less than 40% disability and having difficulty in writing, covered under the definition of Section 2 (s) of the RPwD Act, 2016 but not covered under the definition of Section 2(r) of the said Act are also eligible for one hour compensatory time for each paper (i.e. for these candidates the end time will be 13:00 IST for Paper 1 and 18:30 IST for Paper 2). They must, however, fill in the requisite form [see Annexure-II: CERTIFICATE FORMATS] during registration for availing the compensatory time and/or availing the services of a scribe (amanuensis). Please see also Clauses 14 and 15 for additional information.

JEE (Main) 2024

Indian nationals who wish to appear for JEE (Advanced) 2024 are required to write the JEE (Main) 2024 paper for admission to B.E./B.Tech. programs conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA).

Foreign nationals who have studied or are studying in India/abroad at 10+2 level or equivalent and wish to appear for JEE (Advanced) 2024 are NOT required to write the JEE (Main) 2024. Further information about JEE (Main) 2024 may be obtained from the website

For foreign nationals4 who are OCI/PIO card holders, who have studied or are studying in India/abroad at 10+2 level or equivalent and wish to appear for JEE (Advanced) 2024, following are the requirements for OCI/PIO Candidates with respect to the requirement of appearing in JEE (Main):

  • OCI/PIO card holders who have secured OCI/PIO card before 04.03.2021, are considered as Indian nationals for the purpose of seat allocation to IITs. These candidates are not eligible for benefits of reservation (e.g., GEN-EWS, OBC-NCL, SC, ST with the exception of OPEN-PwD). These candidates are required to fulfil Clause 11 below and shall be required to be in the Open and Open-PwD rank lists in JEE (Main) to appear for JEE (Advanced).
  • OCI/PIO card holders who have secured OCI/PIO card on or after 04.03.2021, are considered as foreign nationals for the purpose of admission to IITs. These candidates are NOT required to write the JEE (Main) 2024 in order to appear in JEE (Advanced) 2024.

Further information about JEE (Main) 2024 may be obtained from the website

Eligibility Criteria for Indian Nationals and OCI/PIO Candidates who have Secured OCI/PIO Card before 04.03.2021 for Appearing for JEE (Advanced) 2024

All the candidates must simultaneously fulfil each and every one of the following five criteria to appear for JEE (Advanced) 2024.

Criterion 1 – Performance in JEE (Main) 2024: Candidates should be among the top 2,50,000 successful candidates (including all categories) in B.E./B.Tech. paper of JEE (Main) 2024.

The percentages of various categories of candidates to be shortlisted are: 10% for GEN-EWS, 27% for OBC-NCL, 15% for SC, 7.5% for ST, and the remaining 40.5% is OPEN for all. Within each of these five categories, 5% horizontal reservation is available for PwD candidates.

The following table shows the order to be followed while choosing the top 2,50,000 candidates in various categories based on the performance in B.E./B.Tech. paper of JEE (Main) 2024.


Category-wise distribution of top 2,50,000* candidates (Criterion 1)

Sl No. Category Number of "Top" candidates
1 OPEN 96187
2 OPEN-PwD 5063
3 GEN-EWS 23750
4 GEN-EWS-PwD 1250
5 OBC-NCL 64125
6 OBC-NCL-PwD 3375
7 SC 35625
8 SC-PwD 1875
9 ST 17812
10 ST-PwD 938

* The total number of candidates may be slightly greater than 2,50,000 in the presence of “tied” ranks / scores in any category.


OCI/PIO card holders who have secured OCI/PIO card before 04.03.2021, are considered as Indian nationals for the purpose of seat allocation to IITs. However, these candidates are not eligible for benefits of any kind of reservation (e.g., GEN-EWS, OBC-NCL, SC, ST) with the exception of OPEN-PwD. That is, Sl No. (3) to (10) in the above table are not applicable for such OCI/PIO card holders and these candidates are required to be in the rank list in Sl. No. 1 and / or 2 in the above table.


Criterion 2 – Age limit:

Candidates should have been born on or after October 1, 1999. Five years age relaxation is given to SC, ST, and PwD candidates, i.e. these candidates should have been born on or after October 1, 1994.

Criterion 3 – Number of attempts:

A candidate can attempt JEE (Advanced) maximum of two times in two consecutive years.

Criterion 4 – Appearance in Class XII (or equivalent) examination*:

A candidate should have appeared for the Class XII (or equivalent) examination for the first time in either 2023 or 2024 with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics as compulsory subjects.

Candidates who had appeared in Class XII (or equivalent) examination for the first time in 2022 or earlier, are NOT eligible to appear in JEE (Advanced) 2024, irrespective of the combination or number of subjects attempted/offered.

Candidates who had appeared in Class XII (or equivalent) examination for the first time in 2022 or earlier, are NOT eligible to appear in JEE (Advanced) 2024, irrespective of the combination or number of subjects attempted/offered.

However, if the examination Board of Class XII (or equivalent) declared the results for the academic year 2021-22 on or after September 21, 2022, then the candidates of that Board who appeared for their Class XII (or equivalent) examination in 2022 are also eligible to appear in JEE (Advanced) 2024, provided they meet all the other eligibility criteria. In case the examination Board of Class XII (or equivalent) declared the results for the academic year 2021-22 before September 21, 2022 but the result of a particular candidate was withheld for whatever reason, then the candidate will not be eligible to appear in JEE (Advanced) 2024.

Criterion 5 – Earlier admission at IITs:

A candidate should NOT have been admitted to an IIT through JoSAA 2023 irrespective of whether or not the candidate continued in the program OR accepted an IIT seat by reporting “online” / at a “reporting centre” in the past. Candidates whose admission to IITs was cancelled (for whatever reason) after joining any IIT are also NOT eligible to appear for JEE (Advanced) 2024.

Candidates who have been admitted to a preparatory course in any of the IITs for the first time in 2023 can appear in JEE (Advanced) 2024.

The candidates who were allocated a seat in an IIT through JoSAA 2023 but (i) did not report “online” / at any “reporting centre” OR, (ii) withdrew before the last round of seat allotment, OR, (iii) had their seat cancelled (for whatever reason) before the last round of seat allotment for IITs, are eligible to appear for JEE (Advanced) 2024.

However, in all of the above cases, the candidate is also required to fulfil the conditions mentioned from Criterion 1 to Criterion 4.

Eligibility criteria for foreign national candidates and for those OCI/PIO candidates who obtained their OCI/PIO cards on or after 04.03.2021 can be found at

Online Registration for JEE (Advanced) 2024

Eligibility: All Indian nationals must simultaneously satisfy each and every one of the five eligibility criteria [see Clause 11: ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR INDIAN NATIONALS FOR APPEARING FOR JEE (ADVANCED) 2024]. Registration will be cancelled if, at a later date, it is found that the candidate does not meet any of these five eligibility criteria.

Registration Portal: Candidates MUST register for appearing for JEE (Advanced) 2024. Registration is to be done only through the online registration portal where detailed instructions for registration will be provided

Event Date and Time
Online registration begins April 21, 2024 (Sunday, 10:00 IST)
Online registration closes April 30, 2024 (Tuesday, 17:00 IST)
Last date for fee payment for registered candidates May 06, 2024 (Monday, 17:00 IST)

Foreign nationals and OCI/PIO candidates (with OCI/PIO cards obtained on or after 04.03.2021) may check the link:

Registration Fee for JEE (Advanced) 2024

Candidates who wish to appear for JEE (Advanced) 2024 must pay the registration fee, as mentioned in the following table.

Category Registration Fee
Indian Nationals - Female Candidates (all categories) ? 1600
Indian Nationals - SC, ST, and PwD Candidates ? 1600
Indian Nationals - All Other Candidates ? 3200
OCI/PIO card holders (issued before 04-03-2021) - Female Candidates (GEN and GEN-PwD) ? 1600
OCI/PIO card holders (issued before 04-03-2021) - OPEN (GEN-PwD) ? 1600
OCI/PIO card holders (issued before 04-03-2021) - OPEN (GEN) ? 3200
Foreign Nationals & OCI/PIO card holders (issued on or after 04-03-2021) - Candidates Residing in SAARC Countries USD 100
Foreign Nationals & OCI/PIO card holders (issued on or after 04-03-2021) - Candidates Residing in Non-SAARC Countries USD 200
Indian Nationals and OCI/PIO card holders (issued before 04-03-2021) - All USD 100
Foreign Nationals & OCI/PIO card holders (issued on or after 04-03-2021) - Candidates Residing in SAARC Countries USD 100
Foreign Nationals & OCI/PIO card holders (issued on or after 04-03-2021) - Candidates Residing in Non-SAARC Countries USD 200
  • The registration fee shown above DOES NOT INCLUDE service charges, processing fees, and any other charges that the payment gateway/banks may levy. Registration fee once paid is non-refundable and non-transferable. All candidates have to reach the examination centre at their own expense and have to make their own arrangements to appear for the examination.
  • Detailed instructions related to the payment of registration fee will be provided at the time of JEE (Advanced) 2024 registration on the online registration portal.
Services of a Scribe


  • As per office memorandum of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment the PwD candidates who are visually impaired OR dyslexic (severe) OR have disability in the upper limbs OR have lost fingers / hands thereby preventing them from properly operating the Computer Based Test platform may avail the services of a scribe (amanuensis).
  • As per the office memorandum of Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment candidates with less than 40% disability and having difficulty in writing may avail the services of a scribe (amanuensis). These candidates would also be governed by Clause 15 below. These candidates would also be required to upload the requisite certificate duly signed by Medical Authority.
  • Candidates who desire to avail the services of a scribe need to opt for this during the online registration of JEE (Advanced) 2024.
  • The scribe will help the candidate only in reading the questions and/or keying in the answers as per the directions of the candidate. A scribe will NEITHER explain the questions NOR suggest any solutions.
  • To avail the services of scribe, the candidate should request the Chairperson, JEE (Advanced) 2024, of the nearest Zonal Coordinating IIT in the prescribed format (FORM-SCRIBE [I/II, whichever is applicable]). The requisition, along with a copy of the PwD certificate (FORM PwD-II/PwD-III/PwD-IV, whichever is applicable]) OR copy of the certificates of Dyslexic Candidate (FORM-DYSLEXIC-1 and DYSLEXIC-2), whichever is applicable, OR copy of the certificate (FORM-DISABILITY AND HAVING DIFFICULTY IN WRITING) for the person with specified disability covered under the definition of Section 2(S) of the RPwD Act, 2016 but not covered under the definition of Section 2(R) of the said Act, i.e. persons having less than 40% disability and having difficulty in writing, must be uploaded at the time of online registration for JEE (Advanced) 2024. The formats for the request letter and PwD/Dyslexic are given in Annexure-II: CERTIFICATE FORMATS. The formats for the request letter, and person with less than 40% disability and having difficulty in writing certificate are also given in Annexure-II: CERTIFICATE FORMATS.
  • Zonal coordinating IITs will make necessary arrangements, through the Test Centre Administrator (TCA) of the Examination Centre, to provide a panel of scribes (amanuenses). Scribes will be students of Class XI from the science stream with Mathematics as one of the subjects. The PwD/dyslexic (severe)/ persons having less than 40% disability and having difficulty in writing candidate has to choose a scribe from this panel. The candidates will NOT be allowed to bring their own scribes.
  • The candidate will be allowed to meet the panel of scribes one day prior to the examination i.e. May 25, 2024 (Saturday) in the presence of the IIT Representatives (IRs), Test Centre Administrator (TCA), and an Invigilator, and choose any one of the scribes
Documents Required for Registration

Given below is a list of documents/certificates whose scanned copies are to be uploaded at the time of online registration for JEE (Advanced) 2024. The formats of the certificates, which are indicated in the brackets, are given in Annexure-II: CERTIFICATE FORMATS.

The candidates may note that documents for the purpose of admission to an IIT would only be verified at the stage of document verification when the candidate accepts the seat offered through JoSAA. Thus, candidates are advised to upload the correct and complete documentation at the stage of registration itself.

All candidates

  • Class X certificate if the date of birth is mentioned in it OR birth certificate.
  • Class XII (or equivalent examination) certificate [for those who appeared first time for this examination in 2023 or 2024 or whose Board declared the Class XII (or equivalent examination) result of academic session 2021-22 on or after September 21, 2022]. If marksheet of Class XII (or equivalent examination) for 2024 is available, then it must be uploaded.
  • If the candidate’s name is not same as in the Class X certificate, gazette notification showing the change of name.


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