Human mind is very complicated and has an unlimited capacity to learn, which is almost similar in all of us. In Spite of such a huge capacity, most of us deliver or perform only up to average or below-average levels. Only a very few among us show ‘out of box’ or ‘extraordinary’ performances. Terms like success, toppers, etc., are associated with these very few persons only.
Do you know, what makes them different?
What they have which most of us do not have?
When we look into the answers of these questions, one sentence strikes always in our mind i.e., “Toppers are in the habit of doing things differently.” Here surely the word differently has the art of revision or reconciliation of learning in its basis especially in the last 30 days of our preparation.
Revision plays a prominent role in JEE preparation. Once the syllabus is covered, revision is a mandatory requirement for better scoring, even if one had not covered 100% of the syllabus but only 70% or so, still he has to revise what syllabus has been covered. It may even be useless if someone is going to face JEE after covering a vast syllabus but without proper revision.
The generalized approach towards revision is summarized in the following steps:
Step 1 Read your notes and seek answers to questions of your own. Try to be as active in your reading as possible. Your activeness can be in the form of talking to yourself, walking around the room etc., Try to recollect what you have learned
Step 2 When you feel that you have understood and can remember what you have read. Then close your source of information (copy, book, notes etc.,) and follow step 3.
Step 3 Try to recall the contents you were reading so far. You may pen down the same roughly and quickly on a new waste paper (if you are going for the first revision). This will help in filtering the remembered and non-remembered portions.
Step 4 Check the new notes with the old content. You may find certain points at which your memory is washed out. These points only require attention again.
Step 5 You may recheck your memory in a random manner after a certain period of time too. The washed out memory points may increase or decrease. Repeated attention on these points can kill them then and there and boost up your confidence.
Step 6 Repetition of the same procedure for the same content many a times reduces the quantity of content requiring attention.
The subject wise revision tips and considerations are as follows:
The mode of revision depends upon the topic or subject we are about to cover. Revision is exactly the point where your planning and creativity comes into play. In a class, it is your teacher who chooses the ways to instruct while back home at the time of revision it is YOU who decide the ways to revise.
» In Physics we make mistakes in derivations, unit conversions, in representing force in free body diagrams, surface tension problems & exercise etc., solving. So try to get through with them.
» In objective type competitive exams we mess up by finding the right way to solve and using suitable formulas to get the answer. This drastically consumes valuable time leading to less scoring. So during revision, better have your own handwritten class notes for all the derivations and problems. Try to use one source only during learning as well as during revision.
» Try to familiarize the derivation based on diagrammatic representation and also the way of flow of steps to the endpoint. This diagrammatic picture or view helps you to recall the answer well
» Repeated revision gives better understanding and more clarity in the topics, thus makes you a master of it.
» During revision for objective type tests try to answer the problems or exercises by visualization and the possible reasoning to solve it.
» Memorizing the formulas can give ways for solving problems as you feel while regular revision of formulae is very necessary as you can’t afford to let even a single slip out from your brain.
During the last 30 days keep the following points in mind:
1. It is always better to prepare a revision schedule on a daily basis and after making the schedule, it is necessary to possess the will to abide by that.
2. It is not necessary to revise a large number of chapters every day.
3. Revision must be slow and steady. It must be in the order to get a firm grip on all types of questions asked on that topic.
4. Revise as many times as possible the entire subjects.
5. There is a huge difference between revision and repetition i.e., revision is not going through all the notes over and over again. Rather, the specialized feature of revision is lessening of time in each and every attempt means time consumed in revising the same content every time is less than the previous one. A potential aspirant can revise the complete content of Physics syllabus in about two and a half hours in its 4th or 5th revision cycle.
6. Decrease in the time of revision is possible only when you have a proper analysis of ‘what to revise’ and ‘what not to revise’. Such an analysis can be done on the basis of ‘what you know’ and ‘what is whipped off from your memory after learning’. Every time when you go for only those parts which are whipped off, you find a lesser content to revise. This, in turn, certainly requires less time to reconcile.
7. Try to understand the concept and don't just mug that up. This is a big mistake made by many aspirants. Understanding the concept shows you the actual sweetness of the subject and makes you perceive even more of the subject with enthusiasm. The difference between mugging and understanding is that mugging is a memorizing aspect while understanding is realsing the facts about the subject or topic with its related prior knowledge.
8 Once you revise try to answer a previous question paper i.e. past papers to see your progress. This will help in filtering the content as what to revise? and what not to revise?
9. Some subjects may not be liked by us but try to accept that they are to be mastered for good scoring.
10. Use same notes or books or study material for all the revisions because the page of the book also strikes in memory during answering the questions asked.
11. There is no substitute for hard work in preparation and excitement along with enthusiasm in revision.
Last but not least, you are the best to know your situation, analyze it thoroughly and work out the best strategy for last 30 days. Think for yourself, you are mature enough to organize your own study plan. Use your discretion to judge what will work for you and what will not. Your own strategy with above written suggestions will make a sure shot combination to succeed in JEE 2024.
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