1. The question paper will contain 90 instead of 75 questions.
2. These questions will be divided in to two sections.
3. Section A contains 20 MCQs while section B contains 10 Numerical value filling questions.
4. Out of 10 questions of section B students will have the option to attempt any 5 questions.
5. There will be no negative marking for Section B.
6. So, out of total 90 questions asked in the paper Students will be having the choice to attempt 75 questions (all i.e.,60 questions of section A and any 15 out of 30 questions of Section B)
7. Now the JEE Mains exam will be conducted in a total of 13 different languages. Earlier the exam was held in three languages i.e. English, Hindi, and Gujarati. But now, it will be held in other 11 languages too which are - Bangla, Kannada, Marathi, Assamese, Oriya, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
UPSEE 2022 will not be held this year. In place of this, students who originally gave UPSEE will now be included in JEE Mains 2022 and will also get admission on the basis of the JEE Mains score.
1. Students can apply for either one or multiple sessions together while filling the form and then pay the fees accordingly.
2. Fee paid for a particular session can be taken forward to next session provided student unable to appear in the session for which the fee was paid.
These above changes will help the students to appear for multiple sessions, select their choice of languages which opens the eligible students who can only ride and write in regional languages. They can also improve their scores and prepare well for the test.